We are very selective about the interpreters we use. They are all deposition-seasoned professionals who understand that they are making a legal record. We match interpreters with the subject areas of the litigation.  This insures that the deposition runs smoothly and accurately without interruption to the record. 

Our videographers are specially trained to exceed the standards of the NCRA. Technologically adept, they are capable of operating either single camera or multicamera depositions with document cameras.  Additionally depositions can be securely streamed around the world or convened using two-way video conference systems. Using the latest technology, they are never obtrusive. All depositions are recorded in US standards to conform with state and federal rules.  




First and foremost our reporters' job is delivery an accurate record transparently in support of the attorney's deposition process.  Our reporters have a minimum of 15 years experience working in complex litigation. All are real-time qualified using the latest wireless technology, including streaming off-site around the world. They are acclimated to non-native English speakers insuring an accurate record while minimizing disruptions. 

European Deposition Management